Category: Practices


Have we been thinking about faith the wrong way?

If we think about faith as purely to do with belief or knowledge, every time we struggle to believe we feel like our faith is ‘weak’. But what if there’s another way to conceive of faith?


Good Friday Meditation: Psalm 22

A Good Friday meditation on Psalm 22.


Affirmations: for when you feel misunderstood or judged by your tribe.

One of the most distressing experiences we can have is to be rejected or judged by our own tribe. Our need for belonging and connection is so strong, that it makes it incredibly difficult to ask a question or express a view that might cross a boundary and threaten our place in a community.  This is the pain point of many spiritual misfits. We … Read More Affirmations: for when you feel misunderstood or judged by your tribe.


Affirmations for spiritual misfits: God and my doubt.

Affirmations to remember when you’re experiencing a ‘dark night of the soul’.


A guided audio experience for when you don’t have it all figured out.

This week on the Spiritual Misfits podcast we’ve created a guided meditative listening experience for when you don’t have it all figured out.