This week on the podcast Hannah Gierhart makes her first appearance (she’ll be back as a recurring co-host on the semi-regular)! We chat through her story and why she identifies with the idea of being a spiritual misfit.

For any of you who grew up as a church kid in the 90s you can prepare to play Bingo while listening with categories including Psalty the singing songbook, DC Talk, The Donut Man and more. (If you have no idea what any of these words mean, don’t worry, you’re the normal one, and we only reference them in passing).

Amidst the banter and crackling sound effects of our fireside chat, Hannah shares in greater depth about the cognitive dissonance that can occur when you begin to experience seemingly conflicting brands of Christianity, or indeed different models of Jesus himself.

If you’re feeling deep in the dissonance, listening to Hannah might give you hope that working through it and finding the gold amidst the mud, is possible. More than that, worthwhile.

Click here to listen or use the player below.
Episode title: ’Hannah Gierhart is processing the cognitive dissonance’.

The Future Church is…Decolonising (Safina Stewart at Future Church Conference) Spiritual Misfits Podcast

Hello good people!In January this year a group of us hosted the first ever Future Church conference. It was a fantastic day — we had people travel from South Australia, Queensland, Victoria…converging in Redfern Town Hall for an exploration of what the church of tomorrow could look like at its most expansive, welcoming and imaginative. We delved into some heavy topics, but it was a really inspiring and wonderful space of connection and possibility. There will be another Future Church Conference — if you want to make sure you don’t miss any announcements about that give New City Church a follow on the socials — or even feel free to send an email to and we will make sure you’re in the loop when a date is announced.In the meantime, I’m going to be playing some of the talks from last time here on the podcast. They were all brilliant, in my opinion, and are well worth sharing around and using as the basis for ongoing conversations.  We were so grateful to be joined by Safina Stewart on the day. Safina is a proud Wuthathi and Mabuiag Island woman who grew up cross culturally in New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Australia. She is an artist, the Relationships and Storytelling Coordinator at Common Grace, and a brilliant storyteller in her own right. Safina gave a talk at Future Conference called ‘The Future Church is Decolonising’. This was such a powerful and palpable talk to be in the room for. If you couldn’t be in the room this recording is absolutely worth listening to! At certain points in the talk Safina used her body to illustrate the points she was making. For example, when she talks about looking back at the past to inform our future she turned away from the audience. Knowing this I’m sure you can imagine those moments as you listen. Are you part of a church that wants to find out more about partnering with Common Grace? Email  Sign up to our mailing list: our online Facebook community: the pod: us an email: Spiritualmisfits@outlook.comView all episodes at:
  1. The Future Church is…Decolonising (Safina Stewart at Future Church Conference)
  2. The Future Church is….Trauma Informed (Joel Hollier at Future Church Conference)
  3. Scott M. Coley on 'Ministers of Propaganda'
  4. Adis Duderija on progressive Islam and process theology
  5. Rachel Collis on doubt, faith and showing up either way

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